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quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2014


terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013


The launch of the new Sony console in the United States, was a real success and the numbers speak for themselves. The PS4 beat the record for the biggest sale ever, a console, the first 24 hours, to sell 1 million units.

Despite the turnout at stores, the Sony console was well prepared and not exhausted. This is the first release, in which the stock is not exhausted in the early hours. This means that the company learned from its previous mistakes. As is the case of the release of the PS2.

This record, beaten by the new PlayStation 4 has been achieved with great merit. However, we do not know what will be the accounting of sales, so the console rival Microsoft Xbox One, which will be launched next November 22 is released.

The PS4 will be released on the 29th in Europe and Brazil, to Japan will come only on 22 February. The console will cost €399, €100 less than expected from console rival Microsoft.

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

Studys shows that it is unlikely that we are alone in the Universe

Are we alone in the Universe? Is so rare , would be the existence of potentially habitable planets? Questions like these, doubts the most interested in the topic, especially to astronomers .

Whether there is extraterrestrial beings on other planets , is a question that hangs over us. Especially when we know what is out there, scattered in the Universe, identical to Earth and planets in the same conditions .

But these planets are so rare ? In not true . According to a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, one in five star similar to the Sun have planets in the Habitable Zone. These data were obtained with the help of NASA's Kepler spacecraft.

If so, this could mean that there is at least one area only 12 light years from Earth planet. For us lies too far, why not (yet) we have sufficiently advanced technology to get there. But in galactic terms, is extremely close .

If these planets also support life, is of course another matter. However, in theory there should be conditions.

Quantum computing ever closer to reality

For most scientists , quantum computers will be the future of computing. Why the future? I hear you ask. In fact, a quantum computer is a million times faster than a normal computer. Only this factor sufficient to justify the assertion .

However, there is limitation in respect of quantum computing. Problems keeping the active quantum state at room temperature is one of them. Until now, only it would be possible to maintain this state for about two seconds short.

However, an international team scientists beat the record , to be able to keep the quantum state for an incredible 39 minutes .

In ordinary computer, information is stored in the bit sequence , which can take two values, either 0 or 1 ( true or false ). In the case of quantum computation, it is possible to store sequences of qubits ( quantum bits ), this means that the information can take on the values ​​0 and 1 simultaneously.

In quantum computing , the calculations can be manipulated simultaneously raising thousands of times the computing power.

Unfortunately, to keep the quantum state quantum computers need to operate at temperatures below zero ( near absolute zero) , which complicates the entire process.

Aware of all the difficulties , scientists have tried to give back to the question in order to circumvent the problem . They encoded information phosphorus atoms linked to the silicon , at temperatures near absolute zero.

Silicon placed in a magnetic field , creating a state of "superposition" This process created the state where the qubits can exist in both states (0 and 1 ) simultaneously.

Once scientists have raised the temperature to about 25 degrees Celsius, the quantum state was maintained for half an hour. Making this experience a success.

Obviously 39 minutes is not long . However, it was the first time I managed to keep the quantum state by well more than 2 seconds. Another factor to consider is the fact that they are ultra-fast computers and during this short period of time (39 minutes), they can perform more than 20 million calculations.

Although currently it is already possible to buy a quantum PC, this has not (yet) a very limited system . At this time, has not discovered how to put the acts qubits in different quantum states, enabling them to communicate with each other. This capability is essential for large-scale calculations .

Thankful, companies like Google , who take their time and resources to research and develop this technology , we may soon be entering the era of quantum computing.

terça-feira, 26 de março de 2013

Scientists found huge black hole

Scientists discover massive black hole with rotation near the speed of light

With the aid of X-ray telescopes in space, XXM-Newton and NuSTAR was finally possible to measure the first time, the speed of rotation of a massive black hole (BNS).

The BNS is located in the center a galaxy called NGC 1365, and according to data provided by the telescopes, the tip rotates at 84 percent the speed of light. This means that your speed is at 16% the speed limit of the universe, according to the General Theory of Relativity, Einstein.

Supermassive black holes are the largest known objects of its kind, with masses millions, or billions of times the mass of our Sun Scientists believe that at the heart of most, if not all galaxies, we can find a BNS, surrounded by an accretion disk of dust and gas, which represents the material swallowed by the black hole.

Most have black holes rotate, and this rotation is called angular momentum. With the galaxy to rotate about the BNS, matter that advances into the body astronomical mass under the influence of gravity, angular momentum carries along with it. This angular momentum causes the spacetime rotate around the BNS in an effect known as entrainment.

There is a limit to which the space-time can rotate, in general, the linear speed of the dragging must be less than the speed of light. But so far, the fact that we do not know how they are formed and why BNS exist at the center of galaxies, became unclear and understanding our predictions of its angular momentum.

To get around this, scientists have developed a method to measure the rotation of a BNS. According to the image above, near a supermassive black hole, the accretion disk is very hot and emits a huge amount of X-rays.

This type of X-rays, in particular, is associated with iron atoms that when excited, become easily visible. But his appearance is, however, a little strange. The X-rays are amplified over a wide range of energy and their distribution has slopes in relation to the rate of rotation of the BNS.

X-rays from iron atoms are generated by fluorescence near the inner edge of the accretion disk. This means that the source moves rapidly around the BNS, so that the X-ray spectrum of iron is spread by the general equivalent of the relativistic Doppler shift.

Thanks to the structural features of the X-ray spectrum of iron, we can now determine the speed of a massive black hole. The intensity varies with energy of X-rays in the range 5-50 electron kilo-volts (keV). However, the XXM-Newton telescope of ESA, is only sensitive to x-ray intensities from 1 to 10 keV, which would limit how to calculate the rotations of BNS, and preventing them from being determined by such measurements .

Fortunately, in mid-2012, NASA launched the Space Telescope NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array), capable of measuring X-ray broader. The telescope is sensitive to higher energy intensity, varying from 6 to 79 keV, the previous generations of telescopes. This advance was finally possible to calculate with accuracy and precision, the speed of rotation of a BNS.

This time, using the X-ray spectrum obtained by the NuSTAR telescope, an international team of researchers was able to prove that alternative models that explained the line broadening, were totally false. The spectrum also allowed, which astronomers could correct the calculations relating to the angular momentum of the black hole NGC 1365, determining that spins at least 84 per hundred of the speed of light.

These are excellent news for astronomers. Thanks to the new measuring method, we will now be able to discover how they evolve black holes and galaxies.

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2012

Project Mars One-is the year that will begin the colonization

Once thought to live on Mars for the rest of your life? If yes, the Mars Project One can give you that desire, from the year 2023.

The mission objective is to send a crew of four astronauts, chosen from among 40 possible candidates, "who feel the challenge." Anyone can apply and the selection process will begin next year.

The four lucky winners will all live together in a simulated habitat at one of the arid plains of the Red Planet.
The experience of living on Mars will be the same as living in the International Space Station (ISS), but with less insulation.
The Mars Project One is already planned and adequately detailed, and will follow a chronological order:

- In 2016, it will be sent to the first supply unit (it will take 5,500 kg of food) and a communications vehicle. These will make interplanetary travel in less than 10 months.

- In 2018, will be sent a large robotic vehicle (Rover) to explore and identify the best possible area to establish a colony in its long journey.

- In 2020, the two units will be sent to live, two units of life support, plus a supply unit and a second Rover.Together, the two rovers will build and prepare the habitat for the arrival of the crew in 2023.

The crew will leave the Earth in September 2022 and will reach Mars in April 2023, where they remain the rest of their lives, or at least that is provided.

This is an ambitious project, which requires a huge financial esfoço and collaboration of several aerospace companies worldwide.

Bas Lansdorp, the mind behind the Mars Project One, believes that this will be the "biggest event ever medium" and it will help in funding.

"The project has received support from Paul Romer, co-founder and executive producer of the program Big Brother."

Everyone on Earth will have the opportunity to directly assist in the preparation of the project.

sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2012

Solar Energy

When we talk about solar energy, the first thing that we remember are those flat panels set in houses ceiling, used to capture solar light energy, transforming it into electrical energy.

But a second group of researchers from MIT(USA), this is not the most efficient way to capture solar energy. This group has found that by using many panels, smaller arranged indifferent positions, it would be possible to generate from 2 to 20 times more energy.

Generally, flat solar panels are positioned to face the sun in front when it is at its peakintensity. Since this new technology "three dimensional", like a tower, allows the panels to be positioned at different angles, making them much more efficient at capturing the sun's rays even on cloudy days or when sun is low.

The main objective of this research were to create a more efficient generator to capture and provide energy. Therefore, researchers have developed this MIT tower plus captureup to 20 times more energy is able to provide smoother flow of energy during prolongedperiods of time.

Real cool???